young love

young love

Oh it’s Valentines Day. In all honesty this day doesn’t really affect me all that much. Probably because I’m a single teen in high school, relationships are really the last thing I should be worrying about. Though others my age seem to be flooding all of social media with cheesy greetings and cringe inducing selfies. I started to think about all the couples at my school, their actions and behaviours towards each other always seeming way too PG for the ‘innocent’ school halls. I wondered what they would be doing today…… then I realized that it’s best that I keep all that a mystery. Though I always wonder how some people my age can be so obsessed and infatuated with one person one day, break up, then forget that that other person was ever in their life and then move on so quickly. I, personally am absolutely terrified of heartbreak. Though I know that I probably should try to ease that fear considering the fact that I’m going to go through it eventually. Young love has always baffled me, its cute and all, but in most cases theres nothing below the surface that can justify it as love. ‘Young love’ being in the context of adolescence. I have not obtained much experience and knowledge on this said topic though I’ve evaluated it enough to know that its difficult to justify whether young love can count as genuine adoration.

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